National Centre for Family Hubs

A centre of best practice to support the implementation and delivery of family hubs

Welcome to the National Centre for Family Hubs

We are a national learning platform which supports local areas in England to design and develop family hubs so that babies, children and their families can access the joined-up, whole family, and inclusive support they need to thrive.
Please read our summary guide for designing and implementing family hubs in England.
This guide is complemented by our implementation toolkit, resource & case study library, and training & events. You can also find out more about our regional implementation team and how we can help.

Training and events

We offer national and regional events to support local family hub providers in the setting up and delivery of their services. We build the training and events schedule around the concerns of local areas, ensuring they are tailored to meet specific needs.

Toolkit modules – highlights

Our Implementation Toolkit is a collection of new, evidenced-based resources to support the set-up and development of family hubs.

Subscribe to our newsletter 

Family Hubs in Mind is our free newsletter, circulated monthly, and will share news from our members, latest events and resources.

The National Centre for Family Hubs is hosted by the Anna Freud Centre. This data is managed by the Anna Freud Centre through Mailchimp. Click to read the National Centre for Family Hub’s Privacy policy

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